@book{oai:nies.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000076, author = {田崎, 智宏 and TASAKI, Tomohiro and 河井, 紘輔 and KAWAI, Kosuke and 寺園, 淳 and TERAZONO,Atsushi and 稲葉, 陸太 and INABA, Rokuta}, month = {Mar}, publisher = {国立環境研究所 資源循環・廃棄物研究センター, Center for Material Cycles and Waste Management Research, National Institute for Environmental Studies}, title = {Recycling indicators (NIES-CMW Policy Brief #3)}, year = {2021}, yomi = {タサキ, トモヒロ and カワイ, コウスケ and テラゾノ, アツシ and イナバ, ロクタ} }